
Friday, June 30, 2006


Hello to those of you faithful followers of my blog. This is a picture of my dad and big brother goofign around...I thought I should let you know that all is well and I am loving being home. It will be one week tomorrow and it is hard to believe that I was ever in ICU. My incision looks like a pencil line across my tummy, I have gained close to a pound, and I am starting to form a bit of a routine.

Dad left today for Winnipeg, so keep him in your prayers. He still owes me a sack for last week for being a good boy and getting home, so it looks like it will have to be two sacks in tomorrow's game...

I thank each of you again for all the prayers and keep at it. I could always use a little help! Luv ya!

Saturday, June 24, 2006

I'M HOME!!!!!!!!!!

I know it seems like forever since mom lasted updated you, but at least it is with good news!!! I am officially home now on Saturday at 1pm, and getting ready to listen to dad's game on the radio and do some hollering!! All systems are go, I am pooing, eating, and generally doing well.

Please continue to pray for my recovery and growth, and mom will continue to send pics and updates on the blog. I really, really appreciate all the love and support you have given me. I had a hard time leaving the ICU and saying goodbye to people that may never go home or who have never been held by their parents because they are too sick. Please keep them in your thoughts and ask God to strengthen their parents, especially baby Skylar who is waiting for a heart.

Thanks again!!! Stay tuned for more adventures with Elijah-not-so-brown

Monday, June 19, 2006


Okay, it is official. I was the baddest little boy in ICU last night. I am so hungry I can hardly stand it and these people are not feeding me real food yet. Therefore I decided to howl all night last night... Today I was an angel all day, (tuckered myself out crying last night), and mom got to snuggle and hold me for 8 hours!!!

Latest prayers needed are for continued bowel movements, ability to have sedation reduced without me howling and causing major disturbances, and FOOD!!! I want to eat and these people need to comply. Okay, I need to get my bowels going first, but please pray I get some real food soon.

Thanks for the love and to those of you who haven't been able to get a user name and post- no worries. I can feel the love and you are always welcome to just email messages to mom directly.

Sunday, June 18, 2006


Good news for today. I had a poo, assisted by suppository, but a poo nonetheless. I am in some discomfort now that things are starting to move down south, and I am really cranky. These people in the hospital are not feeding me real food yet and I AM HUNGRY!!!

An update on what I need prayers for... continued poos, lessening of gas and digestion pains, and continued improvement on my breathing. Also keep all my neighbors in your prayers because some of them are much worse off than I am, especially my little buddy in row one that is awaiting a heart transplant...

Thanks for the support so far!!

Saturday, June 17, 2006


Hello again. Here is a bit of an update on our little man. I will post some pictures but want to warn folks first that they may be a little overwhelming in contrast to the original photos you saw after delivery when everything was lovely.

Yesterday (16th) Elijah was extubated, (breathing tube removed) and that proved to be a much bigger deal than we anticipated. Apparently the surgery involved a difficult intubation and there is some scarring in his upper respiratory area. He struggled to breathe for 8 long hours, but was such a fighter and did not have to be re-intubated!!! It was the longest 8 hours of my life, excruciating watching him, but MAN IS HE TUFF!!

Today (17th) seems to be a better day and he appears much more comfortable. What we need prayers for now is continued reduction in the respiratory swelling, bowel movements and strong bowel sounds, and good response to the withdrawal of the narcotics for pain. Oh, yeah, and a win for daddy in tonight's game with a couple of sacks wouldn't hurt either...

Thanks for prayers, love and support,
The Browns

Thursday, June 15, 2006

Welcome to Elijah's friends...

Hello to all of you who are checking in on baby Elijah Brown... This blog is to keep you updated on his progress, and also to share some photos with you along his journey. We will be trying to keep this blog current for a while, in sickness and in health, and we hope it makes it easier for friends and family far away to keep track of the little guy.

We want you all to get to know him in even this small way, and also to let you know what to pray for. Mom and dad thank you already for your thoughts and prayers.