I'M HOME!!!!!!!!!!

I know it seems like forever since mom lasted updated you, but at least it is with good news!!! I am officially home now on Saturday at 1pm, and getting ready to listen to dad's game on the radio and do some hollering!! All systems are go, I am pooing, eating, and generally doing well.
Please continue to pray for my recovery and growth, and mom will continue to send pics and updates on the blog. I really, really appreciate all the love and support you have given me. I had a hard time leaving the ICU and saying goodbye to people that may never go home or who have never been held by their parents because they are too sick. Please keep them in your thoughts and ask God to strengthen their parents, especially baby Skylar who is waiting for a heart.
Thanks again!!! Stay tuned for more adventures with Elijah-not-so-brown
God is SO AMAZING!!!!!
We rejoice with you as we praise Him for Elijah's health and homecoming. Thanks for sharing your wonderful news.
With love and continual prayers,
Gerrie and George and Men
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