January is almost over...
Snow shovelling
Any questions on who the athlete is?
Naked Play time
Boys being boys...
Naked Play time
Hello again.
Just a quick update. We got weighed the other day and I am officially out of my car seat... 40 pounds and 40 inches! Micah is 28 pounds and 35 inches... Dad cut off all Micah's hair but mom said to tell everyone that they are still married...We started church school again on Wednesdays, swimming on Sundays, preschool for me on Tuesday/Thursday and mom and Micah go to the YMCA while I am in class. Gymnastics in on Mondays and constant assorted play dates. Needless to say there is not much time to play with our Christmas toys and the other day I had to tell mom that I missed my garbage truck. Micah blew up the big TV (on, off, on, off, on, off) the other day so that is a bit of a switch for all of us not having any TV, but we have adjusted suprisingly well. Dad's grad is coming up in March and mom would like to encourage anyone that can to congratulate him that weekend. It is such a huge accomplishment and us boys have made a big sacrifice too- it isn't easy only seeing daddy a little bit and then having to put up with his cooking when mom works. We are all really proud of him though and others in his class have not been so successful.
That is all for now but stay tuned for new pictures of a bald Micah...