Summer fun!!!
Daddy at Micah's school...
Elijah on his last school fieldtrip... pig riding...
Before the teeth went missing...
After the teeth went missing...
Little brother keeping up...
Beach Volleyball anyone?
Kelowna beach hunks!!
On Ogopogo with Grandpa
Elijah got sneezed out of this guy...

Well summer is in full swing and we have been making the most of it... So far we have had; a trip to Canmore, Kelowna, Church camp, and Taekwan do camp, along with a stop at Calaway Park. We are having a blast and had an especially good time in Kelowna at Grampa Ed's house. I have lost 3 teeth in the last two weeks, and Micah has been wiggling his to see if he can catch up. Me and Mikey were awesome for mom on the long drive to Kelowna. We slept like rocks every night we were away, (after being in the water and heat all day). Next week is family cap, the week after swim camp, and then finally a trip to Sylvan Lake to see Granny's new house and go water sliding!!! We love summer!!!