Browns' funniest home videos...
Well hello good people!
Thought we would switch things up and send some "classic" video of the boys. Each day they continue to crack us up, and what we miss in "date nights" we make up for in home entertainment. School is going well for both boys and swimming and soccer has been well worth the time. Again, for all the grandparents that invested in the boys' private swim lessons, you will definitely see a return in your investment.
Micah eating peas... Elijah's loose tooth pulled...
Long story short, the other day Elijah was frustrated with his loose tooth as it was making eating uncomfortable. He decided to pull it out with his remote control car, but the initial attempt with him bravely at the controls resulted in the string slipping off the tooth. This video shows dad holding his head up and gunning the engine, resulting in the tooth launching over by my feet. He was so tuff through it all and continues to amaze us with his ideas. The other option was to tie the string to Bosco and call him to come running, but that dog doesn't run anywhere.
As for Micah, his latest antic is... "BUT I LOVE YOU..." Anytime he is getting disciplined he likes to throw his arms around my neck, kiss me and nestle in with the but I love you momma... Good thing I have nerves of steel...
Labels: Browns' home videos...