Halloween 2011!
Not just a pretty face...
We love candy!!
Super-cute cops!! (Note the wilted pumpkin on the right...)
Mom is holding a bottle of propofol???
Check out these muscles!!

Well Halloween has come and gone and a great time was had by all. I got to dress up as a SWAT team guy, and I made a point of telling daddy how important these guys are compared to "regular police". Micah was a "muscle-man police man", a costume that may look familiar from Halloween 2009... Mom and dad dressed up like Michael Jackson, but me and Micah don't understand how the same guy could be both chocolate and vanilla. Mom tried to explain it but it didn't make sense to us. We had a really good time going trick-or-treating, and we went further and faster than in years past. We hauled in loads of candy, but Micah was a little embarrassing. Some of the houses he felt the need to tell the people that he didn't like their candy, or to insist that he didn't eat what they had to offer. Dad was quick to yell "Micah! just say thank you!" from the sidewalk, but only after Micah had expressed his opinion.
School is going great, indoor soccer and swimming are keeping us busy, and we have continued to say things that mom thinks are funny... As one of our jack-o-lantern was wilting and slowly caving in (see photo above) mommy asked my if I thought it looked funny. I told her it kinda looked like granny and grandpa... (sorry guys!) Micah's teacher pulled mom aside the other day to let her know that she had caught Micah about to "moon" the class... when she stopped him he winked at her and gave her a "thumbs up"...
Stay tuned for more adventures with the Brown boys, and watch for school photos in up-coming posts.