Spring is finally here???
I know that it has been a while since we got back from our trip but we still have some pics to show what a great time we had... Hopefully soon we will have some new pics to show with Micah's nearing birthday and other spring events coming up... The boys continue to crack us up daily... Lots of "kids say the darndest things..." The other day Elijah was telling me that they were learning about the 5 senses at school. He then proceeded to talk to me all about "taste bugs". Another day the boys came into my bathroom when I had just gotten out of the shower. After looking at me Elijah asked, "mom, when me and Micah grow up are we going to have REALLY BIG bumbs too?" Micah is the stage of "that's not fair!", but fortunately they both name each other as their best friends. The other day Micah was trying to teach a little boy at the YMCA how to go pee on the potty. He was trying to convince the boy that diapers are for babies and after taking him to the bathroom and giving him step-by-step instructions on how to do it, he finished with one hand on his hip and told the boy, "and then when you are done, you shake it off!"... AAAHHHHH, what joys!
Me and mommy-in-law