Say goodbye ot 2010!!
Prayer time
Loving brothers
Happy kids???
Dad's Birthday

Well Christmas has come and gone and we pray that you all had a great one. We also pray that you have a blessed 2011.
2010 saw many changes on our house the biggest of which was the departure of DIAPERS!!! YAY!!! YIPEE!!! We are all well and looking forward to the year ahead. Micah is busy with his many "Micah-isms", favorites of which include: "its not funny to you but its funny to me!", "don't sass me!", and, "I can't hear you, there is a gingerbread man in my ear!"
Elijah is enjoying his now perfect hearing, and has decided that he prefers winter over summer because he noticed that "NO-SKEE-TOES" can't bite him in the snow. He happily sings along to the radio and frequently makes up his own words. "I will praise thee" became "I am crazy", and that cracked him up. "when I smile, you smile" is the boys favorite, "when I smell, you smell".
Needless to say we are enjoying them immensely and Robert and I have developed a bearable system working around each others' shifts. One of us always is with the boys and they are kept busy fairly consistently.
Thanks for all your warm Christmas wishes and keep watching us in the New Year!
Love the Browns