I'm 4!!!
I turned four!
Note the facial band-aid from a party injury...
Party time with my friends!
Lots of new stuff going on since last post. Preschool is over for the year, I turned four, I got a two wheeler bike, I graduated to the floaters level swim class, mom had a birthday, I have been scoring goals in soccer, dad has started playing baseball and football for the police, and Micah is talking like crazy!! I have some summer camps coming up, and we are hoping that mom and dad are taking us camping this summer. I would like to thank everyone that remembered my birthday, and I am grateful for another great year. The day I got my new bike I asked mom if I could ride to the store and get a slurpee when we got home. She started to cry in the car... Seriously, what is that all about?
Anyway, we hope to have lots of fun photos and videos to post over the summer. Me and Micah are going to get our yearly photos done so we will be sure to share some on line when we get them.
Praying you are all well, and have great summer!!
Love the Brown boys