Sunday, June 14, 2009
Saturday, June 13, 2009
Three years...
This is my buddy Abraham. (Yes that is his real haircolor...) He was stealing cake while I was licking my train clean... I love cake!!
Sugar crash + way past bedtime = grouchy little brother...
Bring on the cake dad!!
Chillin on the driveway. (We don't always get along this well)
What is in the hole?

Hey my people.
Thanks for your patience... I know my birthday is long gone but we are finally getting around to posting the pics. Just think -it has already been three years since this blog started and just remember where it all began...
My birthday was awesome! I had a couple of friends over and their familys, we smashed a pinata, ate, bounced in my new bouncer room, drove my new electric car, and made a big cake mess. It was great even thought the weather wasn't.
I want to thank everyone for their warm wishes and thoughtful gifts.
There are too many pictures to put into just one post so you can be sure we will be on the blog more regularly in the next little while.
Gotta go- it is 28 degrees right now, (about 85 for my American followers) and I am going out to play in the backyard!
More updates on dad's work and summer activities in the near future!!
Love and hugs,
Elijah the 3 YEAR OLD!!!