I am in my big boy bed....
Bosco is sooooooooo patient with me
Hello good people.
I have got a few things to update you on... I have officially been in my "big boy bed" for the last month and things are... well..... okay. I started off great and then discovered that in the middle of the night mom and dad open the door so I can get out in the morning. I figure, "why wait until morning?". Needless to say it has been interesting for all parties involved...
I have also discovered a new place I love to play at West Edmonton Mall and a new waterpark at Spruce Grove that I like better than just the kiddie pool. I have also decided that I love my rubber boots and splashing in puddles. I had my first crash in the mud the other day and I was pretty choked about that, but it turns out that the gooey stuff comes off if you calm down long enough for mom to wash you. The boots are great because my socks don't get wet- me and dad HATE wet socks, and I think that slowly I am starting to realize not to dump that dogs water dish and we won't get wet socks so much.
I continue to test out my tantrums on mom and dad when we are at home, but I am not a real fan of doing it anywhere else... They keep doing the "time out" thing but we are all still learning how things should go when I get frustrated. I am much more verbal than even a month ago, but some things I say are hard to understand and I wish they would clean their ears...
Gotta go. I will try to do one more blog before SHIM comes and tries to take over this blog site... Don't worry though, this will always be the place to go for news on me (I might decide to share some space with SHIM.)