Just about 3 months old!!!

Greetings!!! I am back!
Thought I would update things in my world... I am heading towards 3 months old on the 4th, wearing 6 month old clothing... The other day a lady in Wal Mart asked mom why I wasn't sitting forward in my stroller, was I having a difficult time learing to sit up... Mom said yeah, especially since he is only 9 weeks old... The lady couldn't believe it, I was bigger than her 6 month old... That will teach her for being nosey...
This weekend I am going to the labor day classic in Calgary to watch daddy play. I got my immigration stuff done last week so I am now officially Can-American. This will be my second trip to Calgary since that is where we had to go for the American Consolate. I travel quite well, as long as my bumb is clean and my belly is full.
Enjoy the pics of me and my big brother Bosco. He loves me, very protective when strangers come around...