Does this make me look fat?

Okay, gotta tell you about mom's recent meltdown. I have been eating all night every night so she thought she should get some feedback from the health nurse to see if that was normal... (Since when is anything I do normal?) Anyway, the health nurse told her I was eating way too much and that if she wasn't careful she may be predisposing me to childhood obesity... Needless to say she freaked out and instantly thought she was a bad parent. In actuality the health nurse has never seen me, doesn't know my situation, hasn't met my dad, and has created a lot of grief in the home. Now mom and dad are determined to get me sleeping through the night before we go on holidays and they are taking away some of my night feedings. So just to show them who is really the boss, the first night of this new plan I decided to sleep and reduce my own feedings to exactly what they had prayed about. Eventually they will learn who is really in charge around here...
Anyway, if you could pray about the bedtime situation for us anyway. Pray I don't starve and that we all start sleeping through the nights. Mom informs me that I may get to start on vegetables if I act right, little does she know that isn't much incentive- chocolate maybe, vegetables- not so much...
Meanwhile I understand the ladies at mom's work are asking about Christmas photos. Be patient my lovely ladies... I can't show everyone their Christmas card photos too soon or they will not be very surprised when they get them in the mail...
Praying about the veggie consumption. Spinach is ALMOST as yummy as chocolate!
Elijah, you tell that nurse that you look just fine and that you are a growing boy. Also tell mommy (and daddy too) that they are doing an awesome job at raising a healthy and delightful baby. We hope that we are as blessed.
Oh, and veggies will make your diaper gross....
Mel, Pat and baby-to-be.
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