We had visitors...

This is my cousin Senecca. He came to visit me from Winnipeg on the way home to California. We had a blast and he was trying to teach me how to crawl... No luck yet but I have a tooth now!!! You will also notice above my best chilli pepper impressions... (My silly parents...)
Well I am officially 20 pounds now, moving up to the big-boy car seat and mom is starting to wean me onto formula. We find out next month if I can start baby food but at this point I am not too worried about gaining weight...
Stay tuned for my Grey Cup pictures, and for the week ahead please pray for safe travels for the Malveaux family, continued health for me, ease with teething and a blessing to all those that get to hear daddy speak on Grey Cup Sunday at church.
Praying for Dad's talk at church on Grey Cup Sunday. AND for the AL's!!!!!!
See you soon...
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