Birthday time!!!
Officer Brown reporting for cute-duty...
Remember when they were little??

Happy Birthday Micah!!
I love cake!!!
One year ago...

Happy Birthday Micah!!
I love cake!!!
So it is two weeks after Micah's birthday and we are a little late posting stuff. (My bad) Lots to report:
-Mikey is 1!!
-Mikey is walking!!
-Mikey is talking!!
- More teeth coming for Mikey...
Keep praying for dad as he is working really hard in class. A while back we asked you to pray for mom's friend Jan, but we are sad to report she lost her battle with cancer a couple of weeks ago. Also we would like to wish all the mother's that follow this blog a happy mother's day this weekend, and thank everyone for their warm birthday wishes they sent to Micah.
Keep your eyes on the mailbox as many of you should be seeing some pics coming your way. For know here are a few to show you how quickly things are changing around here...
Happy Mother's Day!!!!
Sounds like things are super busy there. And here, too.
Love & prayers...
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