Baby gates are back... I haven't seen one of these for a long time.
Micah loves to try to get out of his crib...

Hey! Close the door!

Mom and dad love all the sleep they are getting!

Don't get me started on how much Micah eats...

Hey! Close the door!
Mom and dad love all the sleep they are getting!
Don't get me started on how much Micah eats...
Hey folks,
long time no post. Our computer was acting kinda crazy for awhile and I am not sure if this post will even come to fruition...Lots to update you on...
First of all, Micah is ten months old, WEANED, crawling like crazy and walking around stuff while holding on. I don't see what the big deal is, but just to get some of the attention I like to walk while asking to hold on to mom and dad's hands since they seem to think it is such a great feat (?) Both of us had to be asthma tested and I now have to go for allergy testing... Dad keeps joking that we may have to get rid of Bosco but I doubt that will happen.
Micah went through a stint of not eating and being really picky after mom first weaned him, but his appetite is back with a vengeance... It is truly unbelievable how much he can eat, but fortunately mom and dad figured out that the more full he is the better he sleeps. He has officially been sleeping through the night since turning ten months and mom is euphoric. The timing is perfect because dad is about to start school on the 9th of March...
That's right folks, it is official. Dad became a permanent resident as of today, and he is good to go for the police training. This means that as of the 9th he will be gone from 6am until 8pm. Mom says that means we won't get to see him while we are awake except for the weekends... I say it stinks... Oh well, we are blessed to have had him home all winter and we definitely made the most out of our time together.
I am officially registered for preschool for the fall. Mom waited in line for 3 1/2 hours to get me in to the one she wanted, and I am very excited. Meanwhile I still attend my church group twice a week, gymnastics once a week, and the YMCA three times a week. Hopefully this will keep us busy enough that we are not missing daddy to much.
Hope to post again soon with some video...
Great news and answered prayer about Rob's immigration and school stuff! I'll continue praying as the family adapts to these changes. Miss Y'all.
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