more pics....
Here is Micah in some gear that may look familiar to some of you. I rocked this same look just two short years ago... How time flies!!
Hello again.
Well fall is definitely here and our weather is changing. Dad is at home full time now and it is a good thing. Micah has been eating every three hours at night which means 9pm, 12, 3, 6, and 9am feeds for mom. To top it off I have decided that it would be a good idea to get up at least once a night for random things (pee pee, poo poo, thirsty, my band aid fell off, etc).
To update you on our progress, I officially weigh in at just over 34 pounds, and Micah is 19 and a half. He has had 7 teeth since he was five months, but more appear to be on their way. He bites like crazy, I talk like crazy, and mom is going crazy...
Other than that we are busy getting some family pictures ready for you and the next post will likely include our Halloween photos... You need to stay tuned for these as they will not disappoint
That's all for now, happy fall!!
Being parents sure is TIRING, huh?
The boys are soooo cute!
Love you guys.
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