Hello again!!! Long time no talk. I have been busy enjoying the summer weather and learning new tricks. I have had lots of visitors and I am glad Daddy's training camp is finally over. He is out of town right now, but at least he is only gone for a couple of days at a time. The latest news with me is that I am teaching mom and dad baby sign language and so far they have caught on to about half a dozen signs. I am definitely getting frustrated with them more often and unfortunately I have to be as stubborn as mom some times...
I have decided I hate being in the stroller when we are in stores and I would rather push it, or when I am in a shopping cart I would rather stand in the basket than sit in the seat. I am also trying to get through to mom that I can feed myself, and I have recently recovered from the trauma of my first haircut. Dad got tired of people saying I had "hockey hair" so he shaved it off.
I am getting ready for more visitors again, lots of people coming in August and Grandpa John is coming in September. He just retired from his job so I am excited to get to hang out with him. Mom is doing a reunion concert in August with her old choir and I will get to go to the big concert to hear everyone. Other than that, I have been busy with my new bubble lawnmower, doing laps around the house, chasing the dog, and making messes everywhere I go. Right now I am playing cars on mom's toes, sound effects included.
Talk to ya soon!!! Pray for my temper, my molars, and dad's health and success.
Luv ya!!
Love you guys and
always praying for you.
TSN can't seem to say enough about how well Rob has been playing!It's so nice to hear...
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