We all got new rubber boots for the dog park but I have decided that dad's are the most fun.

Of course dad couldn't just give us haircuts and be normal. He had to try out the samurai warrior look on both of us before shaving it all off... Could my forhead look any bigger???

Me and dad love riding the CHOO CHOO at the mall. This was our post-haircut outing.

I am busy studying potty training but have decided that I want to be
fully informed before I decide to do anything on my own...

Spring is here an Bosco's allergies are driving him crazy. I decided to find a new use for his cone...

Hey folks,
as promised I am sneaking in a blog entry before SHIM gets here and tries to take over. We have lots of pictures from the last week but for some reason mom can only download a few per post.... Hope you enjoyed the update and try not to forget about me when the new person gets here...
Thanks for taking a moment at this very busy time. Can't wait to see what Shim looks like!
May God give peace, health, and a smooth transition for your sweet family.
"...My God shall supply all your needs..."
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