Summer Fun!!
3 Goal/game average...
Look at the intense concentration...
Hot tubbing!!!
In the mouth of a T-Rex
Walking with the dinosaurs...

Hello again.
As you can see some summer weather has finally arrived and we are trying to make the most of it... Soccer just finished for the outdoor year, but negotiations are in the works for winter soccer league... Aside from getting rained out of too many games and devoured by mosquitoes it was a fun soccer season. Micah averaged three goals per game, Elijah loved playing in net, and once was sure that he had "kicked the ball all the way to Jesus!"
As you can see some summer weather has finally arrived and we are trying to make the most of it... Soccer just finished for the outdoor year, but negotiations are in the works for winter soccer league... Aside from getting rained out of too many games and devoured by mosquitoes it was a fun soccer season. Micah averaged three goals per game, Elijah loved playing in net, and once was sure that he had "kicked the ball all the way to Jesus!"
Daddy took the boys for some "father/son" time up to Drumheller and Canmore. Again, aside from the rainy weather, the boys made the best of it and had fun with dad. They turned the hallway in to a bowling alley, had movie nights and fully enjoyed their bunk bed room that "Auntie CC" generously designed just for them. In fact the bunk beds were such a huge hit that mom and dad bought them some for their rooms at home...Hope you are all enjoying your summer and we will keep you posted on how summer camps go.
Love and prayers,
The Brown Boys
The Brown Boys
That looks like so much fun!
Too bad about the soccer, although the kids look adorable playing it. I respectfully refer to that "game" as the game they play in H-E-double hockey sticks :-)
Praying for a safe summer for y'all.
xxxoooxxx Gerrie
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