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First day of school...

Well we have survived another first day of school, another departure of granny and grandpa for the winter, and another corn maze adventure. Elijah is back and school three days a week and Micah initially took it kinda hard. When Elijah is in school, (M,W,F) Micah and mom go to the YMCA, and everybody goes to church school on Tuesdays. We all swim Wednesday evenings, and gymnastics is on Monday afternoons. Thursday is play date day, and weekends consist of almost anything.
Shortly after school started mom had Elijah's ears checked due to some suspicions. It was discovered that Elijah has a mild hearing loss in his right ear and a moderate loss in his left. Fortunately this is correctable but will require surgery. The operation is scheduled for November 17th, and we ask that anyone that prays keep Elijah in their prayers on this day. The poor guy will have to quit swimming and is a little nervous about the surgery but we look forward to him having his hearing back to normal.
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