Football, racecars, boating, and apple picking...
Apple picking
Boating on the river
Daddy the lifeguard
Watching the fast cars
Cheering at daddy's football game

Okay, this is the first of three posts to update things. As you can see we have been busy doing lots of neat stuff. Dad played in a football game to raise money for the Stollery Children's Hospital against the firemen. Needless to say it was awesome and dad crushed everybody!
Dad took us to watch the race cars out at the speedway. The police had a vehicle out at the races and we got to meet the drivers. Dad was careful to cover our ears and we sat sooooooooo still and watched mesmerised.
Uncle Sheldon took us boating down the river. Everybody loaded into his boat and we went sightseeing for an afternoon. We had a wiener roast out on a sandbar and got to see lots of cool stuff. Dad had to sit in the front of the boat so we didn't hit any rocks.
Next we went apple picking at dad's friends house. Her tree had so many apples we barely even lightened the branches. After working hard in the blazing heat picking and hauling heavy bags of apples mom then got hand cramps from peeling them all. The best part is that after all that they tasted AWFUL!!! Mom baked a bunch of apple crisps and when we tried them they were so sour no one wanted to eat them...
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