The Browns are BROWN!!
This pic was early in our arrival to Mexico... not too dark yet...
Cooking in the sun...
Florida family photos...
The whole family!
Meet the Browns...

We are back from 3 glorious weeks away. We first spent some time in Florida suprising Robert's family and introducing Micah to his Auntie and cousin for the first time. A great time was had by all and although the weather was nothing great it was better than being home. Elijah caught his first fish, we did family photos (as you can see), the grandparents got to spend quality time with the grandboys, cousins bonded, shopping was done, etc.
Next we moved on to Cancun and we got to spend 11 glorious days there. Each day was a comfortable and sunny mid-80 day, and we loved it. Great resort, great people, great food, and the boys got great tans. Lots of pictures to share...
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