He's Here!!!!!
This is me a couple of days before letting Micah know that he can come out... We have the same picture of daddy telling me to come out when I was on the inside...
Here is mom ready for round two!!!
He's here!!! I know it looks like me but he is smaller than I was, if they kept him in for the full length of time they say we would have been exactly the same size...
I love my little brother...
Daddy has been awesome!!! He and I are best buddies and he is so awesome to mommy she thanks him all the time. Yay for the best daddy in the whole world!!!!!!!

Well folks it is official. I have begun my newest role as big brother and I love it. I have been awesome, gentle, inquisitive, and loving. I handled mom being in the hospital much better than she did, and I kept granny and grandpa quite entertained. My little brother Micah Thomas, got here at 9:49 am on Wednesday the 16th, and he got home on Saturday. He was exactly one pound lighter than me, the same length, and the same big head. People say we look alike but we definitely have some differences.
Everyone is well and we will update you more soon. Please keep us all in your prayers and we will keep you posted in the weeks to come.
Big brother Elijah

Well folks it is official. I have begun my newest role as big brother and I love it. I have been awesome, gentle, inquisitive, and loving. I handled mom being in the hospital much better than she did, and I kept granny and grandpa quite entertained. My little brother Micah Thomas, got here at 9:49 am on Wednesday the 16th, and he got home on Saturday. He was exactly one pound lighter than me, the same length, and the same big head. People say we look alike but we definitely have some differences.
Everyone is well and we will update you more soon. Please keep us all in your prayers and we will keep you posted in the weeks to come.
Big brother Elijah
Thanks for posting pics so fast!
Love and hugs to the whole family
from proud honourary Auntie and Uncle G&G
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Amber u did awesome!! What a blessing 2 sons now u still get to be the only girl with all your Brown boys! Elijah you are going to be the best big brother ever. I know you have lots to teach Micah like how to ride an airvent like a skateboard! Love you guys!
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